IPAC (International Particle Accelerator Conference) is a large annual conference in the field of particle accelerators. The conference brings together about 1,200 scientists accelerators, engineers, students and entrepreneurs from more than 30 countries to discuss the latest advances in the field of particle accelerators, synchrotron light sources, free electron laser, and associated instrumentation. The conference also includes the participation of about 100 exhibitors of equipment and products related to the field, and special meetings of funding agencies to science, workshops with specific topics, and other satellite events.
The IPAC 21 conference will be held in virtual form due to COVID, but we get to invite you to visit our virtual booth and have a virtual chat with us.
If you have anything specific you would like to discuss, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to info@kyma-undulators.eu
Thanks to the organizers for making this virtual IPAC possible.